Staff and Board Members

Society Staff:

James Higgins, Ph.D. Executive Director, ext. 19;

Jill Youngken, M.A., Assistant Director/Chief Curator/Director Library & Archives, ext. 13;

Thomas S. Briggs, Chief of Maintenance & Repair

Joshua Fink, Senior Museum Educator

Cyan Fink, M.S. , Curator of Education, ext. 15;

Board of Trustees:
Stephen Gehringer,  President
Frederick Montgomery, 1st Vice President
Charles F. Smith, Jr., Esquire, 2nd Vice President
Attorney John Servis, Treasurer
Alan France, Assistant Treasurer

Erik Olson, Secretary
Robert McGovern, Assistant Secretary 
Ardith Hilliard, Immediate Past President
Ray Allamong
David K. Bausch
Phoebe Harris 
Michael Gray, PhD  
Dr. James Kintzel

Ronald Simonson, M.Ed.

Christopher Snyder

Mitza Y. Morales
Myron Yoder, M.Ed.

Jeffrey Dutt, Ex Officio, Lehigh County